Evidence of God's Existence
Arne Blichert, electrician, Aalborg
It all started long ago in Sønderborg (where I was born and raised), when my parents would sing goodnight songs with me and pray the Lord’s prayer before I went to sleep. I have often done this since then – but not every night, though. I have always considered myself to be a Christian, but my emotional life hasn’t been involved in it, and I have not been close to being 110% sure of God’s existence, like I am today. I moved to Aalborg in 1999, and sought many new things, such as a runner’s club, new friends / student-buddies, etc. I started attending church occasionally, – out of sheer interest. My “search” for a kind of truth was at a strange stage at this point but going to church in Aalborg without being recognized by my friends from Sønderborg felt fine with me. It felt like the priest’s sermons spoke to me somehow, but despite of wanting to hear about God, I was anxious that my Aalborg-friends would find out what I was doing. Today, it’s a major taboo to go to church – unfortunately! Nonetheless, I was seeking something, and some years ago, the Danish TV-channel “TV2-Zulu” broadcasted a series of documentaries called “Åndernes Magt” (translated: “The power of the spirits”). These were broadcasts from Denmark, in which you followed families that felt bothered by unexplainable phenomenons. The TV-crew then filmed a person, that claimed to be able to contact the spirit world, and by doing so drive out these bothering spirits. Jannie (my former roommate) and I found our cozy seats in the couch each Tuesday and were amazed at the apparently amazing and supernatural things that happened in these programs. Jannie and I talked about many things, and among other things, I told her how one time, my cousin and I had to spend a night in a house in the city of Broager (10 km from Sønderborg), which was allegedly haunted. It was all very exciting, and in the weeks that followed we watched several of these exciting episodes. The programs were re-broadcasted, and I saw them again, of course. At some point things started to get out of hand, and I started to feel a certain sense of fear. After everything that I had seen and read, I started to doubt if God even existed, - but I still visited the church. At this point, I felt unsafe to even go to the toilet at night, - perhaps a spirit was waiting in the living room??? One night, before going to bed, the program was re-brodcasted once again, and it was even the first episode in the long line of episodes. Even though it was, perhaps, the 4th time I watched it, I had to watch it again. It had now turned into something terrifying, and that night, I had difficulty sleeping. That night was an ALL-important night regarding the breakthrough that would happen after this. I have never had a dream as clear as the dream I had that night. Let me also point out, that before this, I had never dreamt about anything that had to do with Christianity or different symbols or the likes. The dream I was standing outside in the middle of the night. There was a giant hill standing right in front of me, (about the size of a barrow). At the top of the hill stood a giant Christ cross (maybe 10 m high). It was made from wood and was put together by a countless number of small pieces of wood – they looked sort of like small and beautifully carved pieces (kind of like legs on a chair, beautifully turned…). I was looking up, and on the far-left side of the cross, a small piece of wood fell to the ground. I thought: (Phew…!!!), and the dream then continued into something else. Shortly after, the dream came back, and I looked up again. Suddenly this very huge cross completely collapsed, and immediately I woke up and shouted NOOOOO. I folded my hands right away, and said to God: “I’m sorry God, I didn’t mean it, I believe in You and only You – now show me YOUR way!!” I now started praying that God would bring about the things that would be best for me, and I can certainly say that things started happening. I had helped some people I knew with some electronic work, and the following week, their daughter asked if I wanted to join an Alpha-course, which is a beginner’s course in Christianity, in Markuskirken (a local, Danish state church) in Aalborg. I did want to join and went along. We were pleasantly received, as only a few people had signed up. On the first night, the topic was “Why did Jesus have to die?”, and we also sang some worship songs, which was, of course, quite unusual for me! We ate together and had a good time, and the message was very rewarding, and we came back again the following week. They asked me directly if I believed in God, and something made me able to say yes with a 99% conviction. I told them that I wanted some proof, despite of clearly having been warned against “cultivating” those TV-programs two weeks before. We talked a lot, and I even got the courage to share about the very clear dream, that they also clearly saw as a warning from God. As for evidence, I would get them soon. In the week that followed, an African priestess was going to visit: Josephine Makamazimpaka from Rwanda. She was going to be in charge of four healing services, which were going to take place in the church from Thursday unto Sunday. My friend and I were very interested in this and made plans with some people from the Alpha-team to meet on the Thursday, so that we could sit together in the church. The meeting started with some worship songs, and then a Danish speaker went up and said some things. Finally, Josephine talked, which went on in English, and was translated into Danish. After one good, long sermon, for instance, she said: There’s someone sitting in this church, who is going to have an operation in a week, but God wants to heal you, and I would like to ask you to come up here now. Everyone in the church turned around to see if this could be true, but no one got up. Then Josephine continued: You’re getting surgery to the stomach, and I can come down and find you, but just come up here, God’s favor is upon you. Shortly after, a very young girl went up to her, crying, completely beside herself. She laid her hand on her and she was healed. There was also a blind person that received sight again, and a man with a lame arm, where the feelings came back, and so on, and so on. I was stunned and certainly received evidence that God does exist. On Friday and Saturday, I thought a lot about the events of that Thursday night, and did want to go, but I had to go out to parties on both evenings. I didn’t have anything planned on Sunday night, and I went back, but my friend didn’t want to go along, which, of course, I respected. Once again, I met with the people from Alpha and sat next to them. The church was packed, and I probably expected for the meeting to be a lot like the meeting on Thursday. It would turn out to be something very different. Both the male speaker and Josephine spoke on some very different things, and again, mighty miracles happened. There was a pause, and she suddenly said: you are God’s chosen ones! You have been chosen to follow Jesus. And to those of you that want to give your lives to Him, I will now ask you to stand in the middle of the floor. So many people went to stand there, including people from Alpha. I stood still for a second and thought: OK, Arne, it’s time… This is the moment you need to make your breakthrough… I knew that something major was about to happen in my life, and I also thought a lot about the consequences of this. Nonetheless, I also went out there, and was just standing there … The thoughts were rushing through my mind: Was it possible to receive Jesus just like that, and what was I even doing…?? Hmmm… Josephine went around and put her hand on people, and several of them collapsed on the floor. I now stood there, feeling rather nervous, and thinking: Well, I’m certainly not going to “fall down” like that. She came closer and shortly touched my head and then continued. I didn’t really feel anything, and just kept standing there. She went to the front, and then went around one more time. OK, ARNE, ARE YOU READY? I thought to myself. She put her hand on me, and for a long time she stood there, praying in some sort of strange language. Receive Jesus, receive Jesus, she said (perhaps it was the interpreter). (I had my eyes closed). When she continued, I stood there and was almost shaking and had the strangest feeling in my body. I don’t have words to describe that feeling, but I was simply gone. (Although I didn’t fall). Shortly after this, we were asked to sit down, and I didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. I couldn’t remember why I had gone out on the floor, but someone from Alpha explained to me that I had received Jesus. Oh yeah … Strange how I didn’t understand anything of what was going on, but I felt quite alright after a few more worship songs. The night ended, and we all went our separate ways. It was easy to fall asleep that night, and I was also tired after two parties and two healing sessions in four days, where I had even met Jesus… The next morning The following morning: - NEVER have I been filled with such a feeling in my body. At that time, I worked at Aalborg Portland (a dirty cement factory), and I would sort of call it a rush of joy that I went around with that day. Despite of dirt and dust my smile was on overtime. I have never tried to be on drugs of any kind, but this was better than ANYTHING. Each time I drew a breath, it felt like a deep, inner peace was over me, and I didn’t think about anything else that day and in the many days to come. I wanted more of this and had some thorough talks about my experience with the people from Alpha. They explained to me that when you receive Jesus, the Holy Spirit “moves” into you, and you experience the Spirit of God. Put in short, you become a new person, and put the old “you” behind you. The Bible calls this being “born again.” Since then I’ve since received a totally new outlook on life, on other people and just how I think in general. I’ve started to read the Bible and other books a lot and have experienced the magnificent power of God unto healing and recovery for people on several occasions. All things are possibly for God! He is amazing, and He is truly able to intervene in our lives when we ask Him. Front page |