We all have a desire to experience true love. Countless songs are written about the longing for love. The love between people can be something amazing, but, unfortunately, also something quite fragile.
Love from human beings is mostly limited – i.e. limited to our family, friends or some specific people that are sympathetic or good towards us. If someone treats us poorly, we automatically draw away from them. The love of people is usually conditional and often quite limited.
God’s love, on the opposite hand, far exceeds the love of man. It’s not weak and doesn’t leave people when they fail. Even though we have turned our backs on Him, He is still standing there, waiting for us.
All the truly good gifts in life come from Him. He understands you – even better than you understand yourself, and He is in fact able to satisfy your inner being more than anyone else. That is why it is so life changing to get to know HIM!
If, for some reason, you believe that you have a right to be angry with God, then it is probably because you don’t know Him, or because things in your life have not been sorted properly. God is not the reason for the evil we see happening. Evil things in this world come from the unrighteousness of men and rebellion against God, and from God’s enemy, Satan. God is pure light, and no darkness is found in Him. He is perfect righteousness – and no evil can exist in His presence.
God’s love is extended to all people. Through Jesus, He has shown us Who He really is: The One who seeks out and saves the lost! Interestingly, the greatest kind of love in fact shows itself through a self-sacrificing rescue mission.
The Bible tells us: “But God demonstrates His love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8; NKJV).
Perfect love was demonstrated to us through Jesus! The Bible tells us that Jesus loved to the very end. Even when he died on the cross He loved His enemies. When the soldiers pierced His hands and feet and nailed Him to the cross, He prayed for His executioners: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”
Through love toward every human being – including you and me – He freely gave His life on the cross. His love was greater than what he suffered! Not even torture unto death was able to stop His love.
Can God forgive me no matter what I've done?
Yes, the only sin that cannot be forgiven, is if we refuse to receive the salvation that is extended toward us through Jesus Christ. Try to understand it this way: God has sacrificed His Son because of you – His only Son – and it is decisively important to God, that you thankfully receive this, His ultimate gift. - Other than that, there is not really any sin that God cannot forgive. Even if you had killed someone, and then turned to God and asked to be forgiven and have another chance, you would probably have to go to jail, but eternal life would be available through Jesus. God can forgive more than people can. I can personally confirm how God’s love can flow through us and release us from guilt and fear. I am overwhelmed at the number of times I have gotten to experience God’s liberating and wonderful presence. All we need to do is to show Him and His Word the greatest kind of respect. Being the object of God’s infinite love is not limited according to what we deserve. It is what the Bible calls grace. God’s grace means that we can be forgiven and become the children of God without deserving it.
No human being has ever loved like the man Jesus of Nazareth, when he was crucified… Freely the Creator stretched out His hands towards the south and the east and called out:
"Come back into the arms of the Father!"
How Afshin, a former radical muslim, met the living God