What is a Christian?![]() By Lars Hyldgård
The Bible gives us these answers: 1) Someone who believes that Jesus is the Son of God, who, on our behalf, took the punishment for all our sins on the cross! 2) Someone who lives a life of daily, personal repentance, and considers God's will to be more important than one's own. 3) Someone who has fellowship with Jesus and with others who believe in Him! 4) Someone who lives in the light of what Jesus has said, and who has decided that HE (Jesus) and His word are the highest authorities in one's life. 5) Someone who has been saved from the power of sin and Satan, and has been transferred into the kingdom of light. 6) Someone, who, through sincere faith in Jesus, has become a child of God and has received eternal life as a gift! 7) Someone who surrenders to God and is now able to experience the help and guidance of God in all areas of life! 8) Someone who does not have to fear death! 9) Someone who is never alone, but who experiences the presence of God through the Holy Spirit! 10) Someone who is now able to experience the greatest meaning in life possible! 11) Someone who is happy to be forgiven - and is ready to forgive others! 12) Someone who, throughout life, learns how to love and to serve, and who learns to long for God's approval, rather than the approval of people! 13) Someone who does not serve in his / her own power and striving, but who is depending on The One Who strengthens us by His word and Spirit. 14) Someone who does not accept sin and selfishness in his / her own life! 15) Someone who gratefully desires to live their life in honor of Jesus! References in the Bible: 1) John.20:31, Acts.8:37, 1.John.4:15, 1.Cor.15:3 og 1.Pet.2:24. 2) Luke.9:23, Mark.3:35 og 1.John.2:17. 3) John.15:4-6, 1.Cor.1:9, 1.John.1:3-7. 4) Luke.6:46-49, John.8:31-32, Mark.8:38, John.14.23, John.15:10 og 1.John.2:5. 5) John.8:24, Acts.10:43, Acts.26:18, Eph.2:1-5 og Col.1:13-14. 6) John.3:15-16+3:36, Rom.5:17, Rom.6:23, 1.Tim.1:16 og 1.John.5:13. 7) Ps.37:5, Matt, 6:9-10, Matt.6:33, Rom.12:2. 8) Luke.12:4-7, John.5:24, Hebr.2:14-15, 1.John.5:13 og Rev.7:9-17. 9) Matt.28:20, Luke.11:13, John.7:37-39, John.14:16-23, Acts.2:38 and 10:44-48. 10) Dan.12:3, John.10.10, Acts.1:8, Eph.2:10; Phill.2:15+4:4-7 and Jude v.24-25. 11) Matt.6:12-15 and Matt.18:21-35. 12) John.13:34, Mark.10:43-45, Matt.24:45-47, Rom. 8:29 and 1.Thess.3:12. 13) John.6:57, John.15:1-8, Rom.8:26-29, 2.Cor.3:4-6+3:18 and Hebr.13:20-21. 14) Luke.15:10, Rom.kap.6, Gal.5:13-25 and Eph.4:17-5:11. 15) Ps.119:32, Luke.7:36-45+8:1-3, Luke.19:1-10, Gal.2:20 and 1.Tim.1:12-17. Go to: Front page |
I want to become a Christian