Letting go of control – to gain LIFE
We are used to getting insured, horde what we can and make sure of our rights in every possible way. Just think if we missed out on some perks or something that we were entitled to! This is typical for many of us westerners who live in “welfare states.” We act as if though we have ordered our own existence, and as if though we were lords of life and death. But the truth is that we’ve been given life as a gift. And that God is the sustainer of all life!
As a married couple, together with my wife, we have decided to trust in God. We have tried not having food in our cupboards and no money, either. My wife, Susanne, asked God to fill our cupboards, and shortly after this, a stranger came into our home with six filled grocery baskets and literally filled our cupboards and our refrigerator with food. Yes, God still performs miracles today.
How can I get to experience God’s miracles? First off, it’s about finding God’s recipe for miracles. Not your own. Jesus said that if we are willing to let go of our life (our fearful self-maintenance), then we will have His life instead!
You might object, and say: “But you can’t just let go of your own life, can you…?”
With God’s help you can. If you are convinced that God is really with you, you can take a step of faith on a word that the Holy Spirit has made alive in your heart. A trust that looks like that of the bungee-jumper, who trusts that the bungee rope will hold. The manufacturer has made clear that the rope will hold. This confidence is the secret to faith, as we see in little children that confidently jump into a father’s or mother’s arms from a playhouse. We can have the same kind of trust in Jesus. It grows out of spending time with Him, listening to His word and beginning to take some steps in faith. He will never let those down that surrender to Him. Such people will experience the most amazing things with God and will conquer fear all the way by trusting and believing. Jesus promised:
“Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time – houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions – and in the age to come, eternal life.” (The gospel of Mark, chap. 10:29-30).
When Jesus challenges us to follow Him – He offer us the most powerful form of life and purpose!
When Jesus went around in Israel, He challenged people to leave their comfort zone to follow Him. However, the problem of man (sin) reacts against a life of following Jesus, as it’s seemingly too risky. And it is true, that FAITH, humanly speaking, often requires taking a RISK. The devil will whisper in your ear: “It will never happen!” But Jesus whispers into your other ear: “Trust me!”
Jesus challenges us to be willing to give up all that which belongs to us – in order to become His disciples! Is this possible in the modern world today? YES! And God gives us the guarantee that it will bring true happiness to us, both now, in this life, and for eternity.
At times, it can be like a seed that you put into the ground. Something needs to die, for life to multiply.
If God asks us to give up something, it’s because He has something even better in store for us.
I’ve tested this principle for more than 20 years: I gave up my right to decide what I needed to spend the rest of my life doing!
And what did I gain from this? That my life has been like an adventure: Experiencing the clear leading of God, being surprised by His liberating presence, receiving supernatural power to proclaim about Jesus, financial miracles, healings and deliverance in Jesus’ name and the best Employer in the world.
I gave up spending a lot of time with certain people that had a bad influence on my spiritual life, and because I wanted to get closer to God. Now, for years I have been blessed with the most wonderful friendships – more wonderful than I could have imagined at the time.
I gave up finding a girlfriend or getting married if that was God’s plan for me. However, it wasn’t – God spoke to both my wife and I that we were destined for each other. (She had also said to God that she was willing to not get married if that was His plan). He led us together in a strong and supernatural way, which now, many years later, is a great strength to us. And it is the best possible solution to be married to someone that God has led you to.
My life is a thousand times more blessed, happy, challenging and exciting, for the simple reason that I almost “stumbled upon” a heavenly key: being willing to give up my “own” life – to follow Jesus! It is as exciting as it gets and touches the heartbeat of all things! It touches God and connects you to the love that holds the planets and the galaxies in orbit.
So let go of control – and allow God to lead you into a life filled with miracles!
The crucial message It is crucial that you choose to follow Jesus and is in fact more important than what education you take, getting a girlfriend, a dream job, or how old you may get! If the message of the Bible is true, one day, we will all be held accountable for our lives, and an indescribable reward will be given to all that choose Jesus above anything else in this life! You can read about this many places in the New Testament.