Transformed by the power and the love of God
![]() By Susanne Hyldgård
I grew up in a Christian family and have always believed in Jesus, but it wasn’t until I was 17 years old that I experienced being filled with the Holy Spirit. This opened a whole new dimension in my relationship with Jesus. I was suddenly able to hear the voice of God. When I prayed about my future, for instance, I experienced how he could concretely lead me in what was His plan for me. I also experienced how a peace came into my inner being. Before that, I had a fear of perishing, of Satan and the kingdom of darkness, but it was replaced with God’s peace, faith and trust! I was at a Bible school with YWAM (Youth with A Mission) in Australia, where I had a very strong experience: I experienced how God came with His presence and His power in such a strong way, that I fell to the floor. It was as if though a film was placed in my mind. I saw my whole childhood, and all the times where people had hurt me. I kept reviewing these moments, until I had forgiven the people that had hurt me. After that, I saw all the times that I had hurt other people, and I also reviewed these moments, until I was willing to forgive myself. It was far more difficult to forgive myself than to forgive others, which is why these moments lasted longer. When the “movie” was finished, I saw a GREAT light. It shone from the outside and came into me and totally filled me. Then it was as if though God put a faucet inside of my head, and opened it just a little, so that the love of God would slowly start to drip from my head (my mind) to my heart (my emotions). Since I have always believed in Jesus, I have always believed in His love for me, but now I experienced His love for me, and there’s a big difference between the two! Later, some people prayed for the physical healing of my back. As soon as they started to pray, I heard one of them saying: “Yes, I can see the spine starting to move…” and my back straightened out. My first thought/ prayer was: “God, forgive my unbelief, I didn’t expect for that to happen!” Not that I didn’t believe in healings, because I did, 100%, but that God would in fact do that for me. Again, I experienced this as a great statement from God of His love for me! I know with 100% conviction that God is the Maker of heaven and earth, and the Maker of you and me. And I know that He longs to have fellowship with the people He has made. That’s why, in the Bible, in the Book of Jeremiah, chapter 29 verse 13, He gives us this promise: “…you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” So, if you are looking to have fellowship with Him, this is a promise to you that you will find Him, when you seek Him. Home |
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